Victoria Daily Photo by BlossomFlowerGirl

Victoria Time

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Monday, September 20, 2010

River Reflection

Above: Maribyrnong River
Strolling along the riverside one early morning, I was caught by the reflections of the palms in the water.
The Maribyrnong rises some 50 odd kms north of Melbourne near the Macedon Ranges and flows south to Port Philip Bay. This section here is in the north western suburbs and shares a cyclist and pedestrian path. There are several riverside walks popular with walkers and joggers.


Randy said...

So beautiful! I love that reflection!

Joop Zand said...

Great reflections.... well done.

Your blogs are very interesting.

Regards, Joop

Lowell said...

Reflection perfection! I can sense the stillness, as if one spoken word would shatter the air!

Lynette said...

Gorgeous, totally gorgeous. I can't imagine being able to walk along and see something like this. Wow!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

This looks so familiar BFG, we have a Riverside Drive in Perth that looks just the same, palms and all! Lovely reflections capture.